The Sun Goes ‘Round

The Sun Goes ‘Round

The days continue to slide by, each with their own obstacles to overcome, with the broader mission needing to be fulfilled.

Read more: The Sun Goes ‘Round

Hello everyone,

I’ve removed some of my social media accounts because I’d rather have one potent place for all of you to be. There was the idea of being accessible wherever the person is, so having an Instagram, a Facebook, and all of that. And then, over time I stopped caring about that and focused more on myself, rather than the people that I cling to for some odd reason.

Clinging seems to be a theme of my life, here. After all, my imagination has me living a life without it, yet…

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. – Jesus

The flesh has me connected to the past for no real reason other than to remember. Yet that remembrance brings pain that there’s no real closure for.

Anyways, because of my collapse from various platforms, the places you can find me are more concentrated:

  • This here blog, where you can subscribe and access premium content. There is a mirror of the blog on the blockchain over on Mora, which is an Internet Computer based application. The idea behind this is that the blockchain links together currency, data, and identity.
  • My profile on Decentralized Social, which follows the same philosophy as Mora. Whenever they release Focus, that’ll be my main presence, however any “Deso” app captures the same data, be it Desofy, Diamond, DeSocialWorld, or any other app that uses the Deso blockchain.
  • My YouTube Channel, which has a mirror on Rumble. I plan on making long-form videos here for my subscribers. A blockchain version of this hasn’t yet been found (except for the Steemit-based D.Tube I no longer desire to use). I may upload videos onto Deso and/or ICP, however we’re looking for a dedicated video sharing platform for them that works.
  • ATH Connect, which while is a company under HALLC, you can find my prime work there, which is the Ballland series and any other video game I develop. I put my creative energy into building the games themselves as well as the graphical and musical resources and any auxiliary applications such as servers or launchers.
  • Whatever else is on my Linktree. This includes LinkedIn for connecting with companies, Soundcloud for listening to my music, and more.

I think this is good for those that wish to continue connecting with me, because there’s less headache on finding out where I’m going to post. The blog, here, is for long-form content, and I’ll share it amongst the other platforms. The YouTube is for the same idea, though that’ll be shared in tandem. So, if I release a YouTube video about a personal update or new works, expect a blog post going along with it unless it’s specifically about ATH Connect or music.

So, now we can talk about the things I choose to share with the public versus premium subscribers. Since I’ve thought a lot about the subject, there’s a very limiteed amount of information that I wish to share with the public, though that information is still valuable to some. The idea is that AI can be used to scrape data from the internet, along with those of a more selfish purpose. (I’ve created many groups and things which have gotten over-run with scammers.) That’s all well and fine, as one should realize that it’s their sharing of data that allows other people to use it for whatever purpose. The key thing is that paywalls allow for those actors to put more skin in the game if they wish to use the data. Besides the act of connecting payment information to a platform like WordPress or Substack (which I believe will be simplified in the future with cryptocurrencies and other digital currencies), there is an inherent realization of the amount of energy in pursuing a purchase.

If someone wants to spend $5/month to receive my data, they have to compare that $5 with something they could spend elsewhere. As of 2024 (because inflation is elevated), $10 could get you a meal somewhere, or a really good snack. The person would have to trade 2 months of a subscription to me with a single meal, meaning my information would have to be that valuable or more to make the trade. None of that analysis happens for a free subscription.

Yet it’s the purchase that I can use to gage how valuable my information is, and if people really want to digest it. Now, I know that social media now is in a transitional state because of the ability for anyone to generate AI-generated content, but that doesn’t change the fundamentals. I, myself, can easily tell if content was made with ChatGPT versus something genuinely made from the person.

So after that, my proposal for how this internet thing is going to work is that the public posts are the most shallow. Many people have already used this concept, such as limiting personal expression and focusing on trade, product, or links to be funded. So, that’ll be the case for me.

The next level beyond that are free subscribers, which have done more than the normal public in adding their email address, however emails can be spoofed. So, I consider free subscribers the same as the public.

Beyond not-paying for my content is paying for my content, as some people may find my information more valuable than simply subscribing. Those people will be able to access more of my genuine energy, though I’m aware that malicious actors can still circumvent this by putting some money in. The idea though is to be who I am, and while barriers aren’t perfect from those that wish to hurt me for their own gain, at that point there’s a personal judgement that occurs when dealing with specific entities.

The people that pay for my content can expect whatever I feel, plus whatever makes me money. I talk a lot about business and money behind the paywall, so those that wish to gain access to that can do so. And for those wondering, I do not talk about information from the military, classified or otherwise. You’ll find whatever I did to make money from the dirt up, such as stocks, cryptocurrency, e-commerce, ATH Connect and other HALLC ventures, affiliate marketing, or entertainment.

Now that all of that’s said, there is no other topic to discuss at this moment. I hope you stand updated enough about where I am, and if not, you know the avenues and the choice is yours.

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